Thursday, October 17, 2019

ART of Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ART of Architecture - Essay Example and provide a brief explanation about what makes this place appears to be quite special, â€Å"The Grand Army Plaza† located in Brooklyn, US has been taken into concern for discussion. â€Å"The Grand Army Plaza† can be apparently observed as a monument type, which was founded in the year 1916. It was a great experience to visit this monument and also the place wherein it is located, as these resemble uniform culture along with heritage including ethical considerations (New York Architecture, n.d.). The following pictorial illustration provides a brief idea about the aforesaid monument: Based on the above analysis, it can be affirmed that the factors including concreteness, specificity and definiteness play an imperative role in holding as well as arousing the attention of the viewers to visit a particular place or any historical place for gaining a brief knowledge about a specific subject matter. It is worth mentioning that apart from playing the above discussed role, the three constituents mentioned above also support in determining the effectiveness or the attractions of the historical places in the context of delivering quality works for the visitors with adequate understanding of different facts relating to conceptions and emotions among others. From a logical and future perspective, it can be apparently observed that the historical monument â€Å"The Grand Army Plaza† has been designed by taking into concern varied artifacts and geometries with the intention of attracting the viewers and most vitally to mark a sign of excellence as well as ethnicity am id the Americans and also the viewers worldwide. Thus, it will be vital to mention that better logical and most vitally appropriate incorporation of the above stated constituents will eradicate all complexities and help in delivering works with utmost quality (Strunk & White, 2014; New York Architecture, n.d.). Therefore, from the above analysis and discussion, it can be affirmed from a broader understanding

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